Seasonal Pest Control


Pests are a problem all year round, not just in one season. Different pests come out more in certain seasons, which means your home or business can be at risk any time of the year. Seasonal pest control help deal with the specific issues that come with changing weather and pest habits. For example, ants and mosquitoes are more active in the summer, while rodents and spiders look for shelter indoors during colder months. By taking the right steps, you can stop these pests from getting into your property before they become a bigger problem. Regular seasonal treatments help keep your home or business safe from infestations, no matter the time of year. This way, you would not have to worry about pests damaging your property or affecting your comfort.

Seasonal pest control not only helps you deal with current pests but also keeps them from returning. It is a smart way to protect your space all year long, so you can enjoy your home or work without unwanted visitors.


Spring is when the world starts to wake up from winter. Unfortunately, pests are also waking up. Insects like ants, termites, and mosquitoes begin to emerge. They are searching for food, water, and shelter.

  • Ants:Ants start to become active as the weather warms. They often invade kitchens and other areas in search of food.
  • Termites:Spring is a crucial time for termites, as they begin to swarm. Termites can cause significant damage to wooden structures.
  • Mosquitoes:Warm weather brings out mosquitoes. They breed in standing water and can be a nuisance with their bites.
    Prevention Tips:
  • Fix any leaks to prevent moisture buildup.
  • Keep your home clean and free of food scraps.
  • Check your home for signs of termites and get inspections if needed.

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it is also a peak season for many pests. The warm weather and higher humidity levels create a perfect environment for pests to thrive.

  • Flies:: Flies are more common in the summer. They are attracted to food and waste.
  • Cockroaches:Cockroaches prefer warm, moist environments and can be found in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Bees and Wasps:These insects are more active during summer. They can be aggressive and pose a risk to those with allergies.
    Prevention Tips:
  • Seal trash cans and dispose of waste regularly.
  • Keep food covered and clean up spills immediately
  • Check for nests around your home and address any infestations promptly.

As the temperature starts to drop, pests begin to seek warmth and shelter. Fall is the time when many pests try to move indoors.

  • Rodents:Mice and rats are looking for warm places to live. They often enter homes through small cracks and openings.
  • Spiders:Spiders may come indoors to find shelter as the weather cools.
  • Stink Bugs:These bugs seek out warm places in the fall and can become a nuisance indoors.
    Prevention Tips:
  • Use screens on windows and doors to keep insects out.
  • Keep your home clutter-free to reduce hiding places for pests.
  • Seal cracks and gaps around your home to prevent rodents from entering.

Winter brings cold temperatures, which can bring pests indoors. Even though you might think pests are inactive, many still look for food and warmth inside your home.

  • Rodents:Rodents are especially active in winter as they seek shelter from the cold.
  • Cockroaches:These pests can still be a problem in warm indoor environments.
  • Pantry Pests:Insects like pantry moths can infest stored food during winter months.
    Prevention Tips:
  • Store food in airtight containers to keep pests out.
  • Regularly check for signs of pest activity and address them quickly.
  • Ensure your home is well-insulated to prevent pests from finding gaps.

Our Seasonal Pest Control Process

At Pro Exterminating, we offer comprehensive seasonal pest control plans tailored to the pests that are most active during each season. Our team of experts uses a proactive approach to ensure that your property stays protected year-round:



Each season, we begin with a thorough inspection of your property to identify potential pest problems. This helps us understand the seasonal threats specific to our environment and create a plan to prevent infestations.


Seasonal Treatments

We apply targeted treatments based on the season. This includes eco-friendly and safe solutions that keep pests at bay without harming your environment. Spring and summer treatments focus on preventing ants, mosquitoes, and termites, while fall and winter focus on rodents and overwintering insects.


Exclusion and Prevention

We strengthen barriers and close off possible ways for pests to get in. As the seasons change, pests may find new ways inside, so we update our methods to keep them out.


Monitoring and Maintenance

Ongoing monitoring ensures that pest control measures continue to work throughout the year. We check for new signs of pest activity and adjust treatments as necessary.

Seasonal pest control is key to keeping your home safe and comfortable all year round. By understanding the types of pests that are active during each season and taking preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of pest problems. Regular inspections and professional pest control services can help keep your home pest-free. Remember, effective pest management starts with being proactive and staying informed about the pests that could affect you throughout the year.

pest control

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